November 19, 2020
Albia, IA – Monroe County Hospital & Clinics (MCHC), in partnership with the CDC and local public health organizations, want to provide the safest possible environment for our patients, families, community and colleagues. Based on the latest information and surge in COVID-19 cases, one important way to enhance health and safety is to reduce exposure to potential disease carriers. The fewer people whom our patients come in contact with, the less likely they will be to contract COVID-19 or other infectious diseases.
Effective Friday, November 20, 2020 MCHC is increasing visitor restrictions. For the immediate future, no visitors will be allowed in our facility.
Some visitor exceptions will be made for extenuating circumstances, including:
- Children under the age of 18
- Developmentally/Cognitively impaired adults (For effective communication, the ability to make informed decisions and provide consent.)
- Inpatients receiving end-of-life care (case-by-case)
For approved exceptions, only one visitor will be allowed. Visitors must:
- Must pass screening guidelines at designated entrances.
- Are required to wear a face mask while in the building, regardless of symptoms.
- Must be 16 years of age or older. Exceptions may be permitted in case of a patient imminently dying.
As a reminder, we encourage the community to follow the best practices from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help prevent the spread of all viruses:
- Wear a face mask
- Staying home if you are sick
- Avoiding close contact with people who are sick
- Covering your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze
- Thoroughly washing your hands with soap and water
- Avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth
- Disinfecting surfaces and objects using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe
At MCHC, we are following guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Iowa Public Health Department to screen patients for symptoms including fever and respiratory signs.
For individuals who have symptoms of illness, particularly with fever and cough or shortness of breath, your provider can assess whether you need to be seen in the office or if you can recover at home. If you think you need healthcare, call first.
For up-to-date information on COVID-19, visit and follow the department on Facebook at @IowaDepartmentOfPublicHealth and on Twitter at @IAPublicHealth.
About Monroe County Hospital & Clinics
Established in 1951, Monroe County Hospital & Clinics (MCHC) is a trusted provider of high quality, local health care to the residents of Monroe County, IA and surrounding counties. Our highest mission is a promise to create an excellent health care experience. We believe it must be our number one priority to ensure the personal safety and security of each customer and employee. Our full-service, primary care hospital offers an array of inpatient and outpatient health services including surgical, clinical, specialty, physical therapy, cardiac rehabilitation, occupational therapy, emergency, sleep studies, pain management services and much more. Visit for more information.